[1211322] 100 Birath Ln, Indiana
Apartments 1-4 bed 1-2 bathroom
Apply and be approved on or before February 15, 2021 and receive a reduced security deposit rate of $99 after lease signing. With a laundry facility, playground, basketball court, and more, Hickory ...
$538-924 per month
[1888836] 951 Church St, Indiana
Room For Rent -1 bed 0 bathroom
IUP 2021/2022: PRIME LOCATION! CLOSE ONE BEDROOM for TWO @$1900/sem/tenant for 2 or 1 tenant for $2700/sem. - HUGE 1 bedroom apt., 1st floor. ONLY 1 block to Stright, Uhler, Johnson Halls! Small yar...
$2700 per month
[5043417] 39 S 6th St, Indiana
Apartments 1-5 bed 1-2 bathroom
CLOSE TO IUP; 3 bedroom apt. $1800/sem/person; 1/2 block to HUB - Includes heat, electric and water! GREAT price for 2 or 3 this close. 1/2 block to HUB. Hardwood floors. $1800/sem/person for 3 tenan...
$1500-1950 per month
[1888771] 35 S Carpenter Ave, Indiana
Room For Rent -1-2 bed 0-1 bathroom
IUP 2021/2022: ONE BDRM for $2900/semester includes utilities, - This 1 bdrm is near Coney Island AND only 1-1/2 blocks to HUB. One tenant @ $2900/semester OR Two tenants allowable: @ $2100/sem./per...
$1950-2900 per month
[2600639] 43 S10th St, Indiana
Room For Rent 4 bed 2 bathroom
IUP 2022/2023: WHOLE HOUSE for 4 or 5 tenants, 1-1/2 blocks to campus; w/laundry - 4 bedroom/2 bath WHOLE HOUSE! $2700/sem/tenant for 4 tenants OR $2300/sem/tenant for 5! CLOSE to campus; great front...
$2700 per month
[2620600] 1148 School St, Indiana
Room For Rent 3 bed 1 bathroom
IUP 2022/2023: THREE bedroom SPACIOUS HOUSE, VERY close to IUP, $2500/sem/person. Utilities included!! - 3 bedroom house, LOTS of room! ALL UTILITIES except cable/internet included! Back porch and pr...
$2500 per month
[1887866] 777 apt 1-6 Wayne Ave., Indiana
Room For Rent -1-3 bed 0-1 bathroom
IUP 2021/2022: ONE Bedroom efficiency apartment, $1900/sem. includes utilities! - Super Cheap, Super Close, Efficiency room with kitchenette. Apts. 2 and Apt. 3 are neighboring efficiency rooms. Tena...
$1900-2650 per month
[2614170] 822 Grant St, Indiana
Room For Rent 2-3 bed 1-1 bathroom
IUP 2022/2023: THREE bedroom, virtually ON CAMPUS; $2000 per semester per tenant - utilities included! - SUPER affordable for almost on-campus! Look out your back window and you see McDonald's on Wayn...
$2000-2400 per month
[4555037] 1227 W Maple Street, Indiana
Room For Rent 2-5 bed 1-1 bathroom
Crimson Hawk - Student Housing - 2 Bedroom. Located at 845 Maple Street. Total rent for the unit is $6,400 per semester. Breakdown per student is $3,200. Security deposit is $250 per student. A Non Re...
$2000-3200 per month
[1887878] Two Lick Drive, Homer City
Apartments 1-2 bed 1-1 bathroom
Recently remodeled ONE bedroom apartment, $500/mo., includes water, sewage, trash, parking. PET-FRIENDLY - Between Indiana and Homer City, off Old Route 119 Country-like setting. Completely remode...
$485-535 per month
[2458667] 1286/1288 Church St., Indiana
Room For Rent 2-3 bed 2-3 bathroom
IUP 2022/2023: Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath $2350/sem/person, includes utilities! - Recently renovated! SPACIOUS living room, hardwood floors, every bedroom has it's own FULL bathroom! Lots of closet s...
$2350-2550 per month
[1858178] 545 Goucher Street, Johnstown
Apartments 0-2 bed 0-1 bathroom
- (RLNE1858178)
$800 per month
For Rent By Owner Chambersville - For Lease By Owner - specializes in rental homes, homes for rent, and rental houses in Chambersville, PA. These houses for rent are primarily listed by rental house owners in the Chambersville, PA area. For Lease By Owner includes long-term homes for rent Chambersville homes.